Saturday 25 October 2014

You Are My Sunshine...

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) 

She turns, always, 
towards the sun, 
though her roots 
hold her fast, 

and, altered,

loves  unaltered.

In Greek mythology, Clytie, a young mortal maiden, fell in love with the sun god, Helios, and followed him every day on his journey across the sky. Pitying her display of unrequited love, the merciful god turned her into a sunflower. 
The rest is botanical history!

Good Reads: Mythology  Edith Hamilton       The Age of Fable  Thomas Bullfinch

1 comment:

  1. Wanted to comment on "Science without art is hollow and art without science is less than it is meant to be." This really resonated with me as a engineer. I use science to create. And I feel that art without an inner meaning is thin. I really think this could be tied into a discussion on form and function.
