Wednesday 10 December 2014

Who Will Buy ?

Des Glaneuses   JF Millet 1857

Payment for Ecosystem Services

Nature provides us with more than just food, water, & some great views. Every organism on earth serves a purpose & plays a unique role within its ecosystem. These various roles are known as ecosystem services (ESS) and defined  as those goods and services derived from the functions of ecosystems and utilized by humanity.

Aside from furnishing us with things obvious things such as food & water (provisional services), ecosystem services provide us with:
•  Regulating services filtration of pollutants by wetlands, climate mitigation through carbon  storage and water cycling, pollination. Protection  from flooding
•  Supporting services soil formation, photosynthesis and nutrient cycling
·     Cultural services – indigenous wisdom/ knowledge, spiritual and aesthetic value & recreation                                                                                                 (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005)
A highly effective  scheme to preserve ecosystem services is payment for ecosystem services (PES). Land owners (especially in forested areas) are paid to keep their land intact and cultivate it, rather than degrade it.  They are compensated via a plan certified by an appropriate organisation. The org acquires funding from companies who desire to offset their carbon footprint. So, it’s a win-win for all involved. Local people gain livelihoods & enjoy improved health & wellbeing. Damage from greenhouse gases is mitigated, & ecosystems remain intact.